Build Your Own Games with Flutter and Flame
Flutter is an amazing application development framework from Google. It is used to build mobile apps for iOS and Android as well as desktop and web applications. Flame is an open source game library that makes it easy to build 2D games on top of Flutter
Flutter is growing faster than React Native and is one of the hottest development technologies in 2022.
CodeCakes Story
Many years ago I started to teach my son Python programming with Pygame. It was always a bit difficult to share Pygame apps on mobile and web. I then started to teach my daughter programming, first with JavaScript and Phaser, then with Dart and Flutter.
Building games is a great way to learn programming because games are fun and allow greater creative expression using motion, sound, and music than standard coding approaches with weather apps and storefronts.
This course is free. In return, I ask that you make an effort to have fun learning something new and enjoy every day of your life to the fullest. :-)
Learn to Move Characters
Learn to use sprites for placement, movement, and collision detection
Game Loops
Learn the update and render methods of Flame
Animation and Collision
Control your moving characters in a virtual space using X and Y coordinates. Handle bounds and collision detection
- Load Character Animations From Spritesheet - George 1 (25:30)
- Add Background Image With World Bounds - George 2 (11:34)
- Overlay Flutter Widgets onto Flame Game - George 3 (13:21)
- Play music with Flutter overlay buttons - George 4 (11:35)
- Add friends and take action on collision - George 5 (25:19)
- Friend Score Overlay - George 6 (23:32)
- Adding Baked Goods Objects with Tiled - George 7 (11:09)
- Place Tiled Object Layer in FlameGame as SpriteComponent - George 8 (19:39)
- Flutter Overlay Enhancement - George 9 (6:54)
- Audio Pool for sound effects - George 10 (9:22)
- Character Dialog with TextBoxComponent - George 11 (16:42)
- Custom Map - George 12 (17:49)
- Obstacle Collision Introduction - George 13 (6:28)
- Obstacle Bounding Boxes - George 14 (9:08)
- Obstacle Direction - George 15 (10:04)
- More Obstacles - George 16 (9:54)
- Code Refactoring - George 17 (16:29)
- Flutter Text Dialog Overlay - George 18 (16:18)
- Clear Scene to Prepare for Map Change - George 19 (10:02)
- Add New Scene - George 20 (7:36)
- Custom Fonts - George 21 (8:40)
- Gems - George 22 (21:05)
- George Full Game Code
- game setup, velocity, gravity - Leena 1 (14:31)
- Tiled Map in Flame Game with flame_tiled - Leena 2 (9:10)
- Add tileset to game - Leena 3 with code download (7:39)
- Collision Object Layer from Tile Map - Leena 04 (4:14)
- Hitboxes on Ground Collision Objects to Stop Y Velocity - with code download - Leena 5 (11:32)
- Movement - Leena 6 - with code download (15:21)
- Horizontal Collision - Leena 7 (5:51)
- Fix Stuck on Ledge Problem with Collision - Leena 8 (5:21)
- Horizontal Collision Tuning - Leena 9 - with code download (11:14)
- Animation and Spritesheets - Leena 10 - with graphics download (10:12)
- Change Sprite Animations - Leena 11 (14:07)
- Jump Animation - Leena 12 (4:51)
- Expanded World - 13 (8:55)
- Boundaries in Expanded Game World - 14 (11:39)
- Create Ground Object Tilesheet With GIMP -15 (3:17)
- Place Gems from Object Layer - Leena 16 (15:01)
- Remove SpriteComponent on Collision - Leena 17 (3:50)
- Game Sound Effects - with code download - Leena 18 (9:16)
- Edit Sound Effects with Audacity - Leena 19 (6:06)
- SpriteAnimation Sequence Control - with code download - Leena 20 (11:12)
- Change Gems Based on Map Data - with code download - Leena 21 (3:18)
- Flutter Overlay for Score - Leena 22 (10:21)
- Flutter Overlay for Game Timer - with code download - Leena 23 (12:55)
- Intro Screen - Leena 24 - with code download (4:13)
- Plot Introduction Screen - Leena 25 (7:41)
- Win Screen and Code Download - Leena 26 (1:50)
Games Introduce You to Programming Concepts
- Loops, control structures
- Variables, data types
- Object Oriented Programming